Characters In Doraemon Movie:

Doraemon was sent from the 22nd century by Nobita-s grandson. His mission was to save Nobita from poverty and from marrying Jiyan's ugly sister. He poppedout of Nobita's desk drawer one day and that's when all their adventures began.
Doraemon has a lot of human-like qualities. For instance, he loves to eat Dorayaki, which are "buns" that are like a kind of sweet pancake dough which is used like bread to 'sandwich' the anko( sweet bean paste) in between.
Doraemon has a fourth dimensional porketthat links to the 22nd centry. He can put almost anythingin there and pull lots of weird gadgets out! He often uses the gadgets to save Nobita, but Nobita ends p misusing the gadgets and getting himself into more trouble.

Dorami is the little sister of Doraemon. the only reason she is not blue is is because she didn't nhave he ears bitten off by rats. Dorami has all the abilities that Doraemon has, including the fourth dimensional pocket. She is nice and not as groudhy as Doraemon. She does not live with Nobita and Doraemon. She lives with the original master of Doraemon in the 22nd century. She only appered in situationsthat are uncontrollable by Doraemon.

Nobita is the bigger loser of all anime history. Nobita is clumsy, crys a lot, getzeros on all his tests, sucks at all sports, and always gets bullied by Jyian and Suneo. He is the boy that Doraemon helps A LOT. He is the one that messes up everything that Doraemon gives him. NOw that I think of it, Doraemon is pretty stupid to give him all the gadgets. Without the help of Doraemon, he would probably be dead right now. Doraemon's object right now is try to make Nobita's future a good one. One thing, he has to change is to give him a better wife, and the perfect person is Shisuka.

Shisuka is one of the two females in Doraemon series. She used to be one of the smartest pupils in class, but later in the series, al she is usually doing is taking baths, and Nobita always seem to have a habit of using the "anywhere door" and end up in Shizuka's bathroom. Even though Nobita and Shizuka don't seem to match, they will become married in the future.

Jyian is the strongest, and one of the meanest and short-tempered character in the stories of Doraemon. He loves to sing karoake, but really sucks at it. Everyone tried to pretend it is good, becaue the guys would probably be beaten up for telling the truth. The only thing that Jyian is afraid of, is his mother. Even though heusually bullied around Nobita, but sometimes he really nice and save the gang in the movies. Him and Suneo love to pick on Nobita, and Nobita rnds up crying to Doraemon. Doraemon will always have a way to get back at them though.
6. Suneo

Suneo, another enemy of Nobita. Suneo is the best friend of Jyian. Together, they both beat up Nobita. The only reason that Suneo sticks with Jyian is because he know that Jyian would beat him up too. Suneo comes from a rich family. the richest in the Doraemon saga. He is very spoiled, and always makingfun of Nobita's cheap toys. In all the cartoons he is pretty mean, except in the movies, which sometimes he acts pretty brave. He is very smart, but not in school work. He can think of so many pratical jokes to paly on people. Many people on the web says taht he look like fox, and i couldn't agree more. this is one of my least favorite characters.
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