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 is a manga series created by Fujiko Fujio A, later adapted into a television drama, a 1981 anime series, a video game and a live-action movie. It was remade as a 2012 anime series as a joint venture between India and Japan and is currently airing in several Asian countries including in India itself in English.

11-year-old Kenichi Mitsuba is an average kid who goes to secondary school and struggles with his studies, he is very stubborn and is very lazy and therefore always ends up frustrating his parents and teacher. He loves to find an easy way of things much to the annoyance of Hattori.
Meanwhile, a little ninja named Hattori Kanzo befriends Kenichi. Hattori is now a part of the Mitsuba family along with his brother Shinzo, and his ninja dog, Shishimaru. Hattori helps Kenichi with his problems, and constantly keeps an eye on him, as a good friend. Yumeko is portrayed as Kenichi's love interest.
The main antagonist Kemumaki, a Koga Ninja and his ninja cat Kagechiyo. Kemumaki always troubles Kenichi. Kenichi asks Hattori to take revenge as a recurring storyline in many episodes. Although Hattori is a good friend, Kenichi sometimes fights with Hattori due to misunderstandings created by Kemumaki. Sometimes Jippou, Togejirou and Tsubame help him.
There are five main locations in the series: Tokyo City, Shinto Temple, Iga Province, Iga Mountains, Kōga Valley.

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